WALT- play the game call Ki O Rahi.
Kia ora and welcome back to my blog. Every week on Monday we have to train for this game call Ki-o Rahi. Ki o Rahi is a game that Maori people use to play but not just Maori, the ki o Rahi team spread this game all around New Zealand. This game is a fun game we always play this game on Monday because that is the day when the Ki o Rahi team came to our school and train us. I will show you a video of how to play this game and also the legend of this game. Ki o Rahi can be played like a touch, tackle or even tag rugby, but the tag rugby or flag rugby is the popular game that we play at school.
If you just click here for a clip of how Kiamanawanui syndicate play the game! it will be awesome.
How to play this game, The aim of Ki o Rahi is to outscore the opposition team. The kyouma team score point by touching pole the kye they running through Te roto and touching the key down to Te Pauero to reward pole touches to points. Taniwha score their points by shooting and hitting the tupu with a kye while in Te roto. Any time the kye hit the tupu during play points are awarded to the Taniwha team. Another thing is that if one of your tags is reaped is a hand over to the other person in your team but if both of your tags are reaped then is a hand over to the other team straight ahead.
For ki o Rahi you this is what you need.
- Tupu(or a rubbish pin)
- 7 pole
- one key
- Some field making, cones or spray paint
- Velcro belt and ripper flag
These are the formation part. (if you can't see Zoom in ) |
Hope you enjoy reading my blog post for today and I hope you understand how to play Ki O Rahi.
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