
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Bio Poem

Bio Poem

Kia ora, This is my first blog post for this year which is 2019!. This week the Kia Manawanui syndicate have been focusing on introducing ourselves to other peers in the class. We use sign and symbols to describe ourselves.

Here is my BIO POEM:

To me, my explanation about this word Bio Poem is a word that makes us introduce ourselves to one another.

Thank you for reading my Bio Poem.
And don't forget to comment below. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

My Pepeha.

My Pepeha.

Kia ora everyone and today I'm going to talk about my Pepeha. Well Pepeha is something that can introduce ourselves to others and I love doing it. Why it's because I like exploring where I came from and explaining myself in front of the class.

So that us my Pepea Hope you enjoy.

What I found challenging was presenting in front of the class. What I like during presentation was listening to others while they're presenting. 
Here are some photo.

Hope you enjoy reading my blog.

Have a nice day.